Miedwiediew zamiast Putina na szczycie G-8

Nowy prezydent nie pojedzie na szczyt ośmiu najbardziej wpływowych państw świata. 

12.05.2012 11:16

Szczyt odbędzie się w dniach 18-19 maja. Władimir Putin poinformował prezydenta USA Baracka Obamę, że nie spotka się z nim w Camp David podczas zgromadzenia przywódców ośmiu państw. Zastąpi go nowy premier Federacji Rosyjskiej – Dmitrij Miedwiediew.

Powodem decyzji Putina są… prace na sformowaniem nowego rządu rosyjskiego. Informację tej treści przekazała najpierw służba prasowa Białego Domu, jednak wkrótce potem potwierdził ją rzecznik rosyjskiego prezydenta.

Putin obiecał pojawić się na meksykańskim szczycie G-20, który odbędzie się w czerwcu tego roku. Wtedy też dojdzie do spotkania dwóch prezydentów.

W ten sposób potwierdziły się informacje, o których pisaliśmy w połowie marca, że to właśnie Putin a nie Miedwiediew stworzy nowy rząd pomimo formalnej zamiany stanowisk i funkcji.


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Our oldest son was/is truly ADHD and has a tsteed, phenomenal IQ. During his puberty/adolescence, h
01.12.2013 18:02
Our oldest son was/is truly ADHD and has a tsteed, phenomenal IQ. During his puberty/adolescence, his extreme energy pulled in an entity that didn't attach to him but rather attached to our home space and wreaked incredibly destructive havoc. Ultimately, a German hexemeister was called in to clear it, and did. The story has been posted here on the blog so I won't repeat it. I did not want to know anything about the entity. Just had to have it gone, and that was done. I do know that it attempted constantly to do automatic writing though my right hand, which I refused to allow under any circumstances and have never allowed myself to do automatic writing since. The entity didn't hurt us or our bodies, but it destroyed lots of property, and even after it was vacated from the space, we decided to move. Our son, now 40+years old and a born medium, has never used his profound innate medium abilities as a result of that experience, and I applaud and support his decision. The experience was an amazing lesson in the presence of invisibles and their abilities to use excessive available energies of adolescents as well as hyper adults. Some of the entities also feed on fear, so if we are able to combat the fear of them they lose much power to manifest. Our family practices magick: ancient ceremonies and rituals. They are central to our spiritual path. Although my hubby doesn't follow the path, he has witnessed the power and results of the rituals, respects them, and from time to time will request that I do a little magick for this, that, or the other. He also carries a small natural consecrated crystal in his pocket everywhere he goes. He's never without it except when he sleeps. He's learned that we don't use ritual for selfish gain so he doesn't make those requests. Drawing the Magick Circle and invoking the Guardians of the Four Gates was certainly aligned with ritual magick, Trish, no matter what you chose to call them, and was a wise and essential part of your exorcism rite. The Fifth Gate is in the center of the Circle. That is the gate of Spirit. All this, of course, is from my own experiences and may not reflect the opinions or experiences of others. An interesting aside, when we had the visitation from the troublesome entity in GA, there was a small cluster of dense woods between our home and a very old African American church and cemetery that had long been abandoned. In a deep hollow (valley) area of the cemetery was what we called a cold spot . It could be 90 degrees outside, and in that hollow, the temperature dropped more than 30 degrees, constantly, and was always shrouded in a light fog although there was no water nearby. We measured the ambient temperatures in and out of the hollow often, and the hollow was always the same chillbump coldness. Got some incredible photos there with my Polaroid! Orbs, light bars, a few ectoplasmic faces, etc. Just mind-blowing stuff. Can't deny there's more to this old world than meets the physical eye!! Sorry, Whoot .went off once again on one of my long-winded tangents!

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